Obituaries for Monday, February 26, 2007
Published 6:00 am Thursday, March 1, 2007
Tera Griffith
Services for Tera Griffith, of Monticello, were 11 a.m. Monday,Feb. 26, at New Hope Baptist Church in Monticello with burial inthe church cemetery. Wilson Funeral Home in Monticello is in chargeof arrangements.
Mrs. Griffith, 86, died Feb. 24, 2007, at Lawrence CountyNursing Home. She was born in Mississippi on April 23, 1920, toElisha King and Maggie Ballard King.
She was retired from her job as a nurse’s aide at LawrenceCounty Hospital. She was a longtime, active member of New HopeBaptist Church.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, MaxieGriffith; her son, Richard Griffith; and her granddaughter, SheilaSills.
Survivors are her sons, Ford Griffith and wife Elaine, andHarold Griffith and wife Lisa, all of Monticello; her daughter,Margaret Ann Smith and husband Len Ray, of Monticello; herbrothers, Dewey King, of Jayess, Arthur King, Elzen King and CarlKing, all of Monticello, and Clell King, of Brookhaven; hersisters, Ruth Smith and Lola Faye Lambert, of Monticello; her sevengrandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and onegreat-great-grandson.
Pallbearers are Christopher Smith, Hunter Griffith, SawyerGriffith, Earl Griffith, Joel Thames, Ricky Lambert and DustySmith.
William ‘Bill’ Lauderdale
A memorial service for William “Bill” Lauderdale, ofPhiladelphia, formerly of Brookhaven, is 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 28,at First United Methodist Church of Philadelphia. McClain-HaysFuneral Service in Philadelphia is in charge of arrangements. TheRev. Fred Britton will officiate.
Visitation is Wednesday at the church parlor from 2 p.m. untilthe time of the service.
Mr. Lauderdale, 56, died Feb. 24, 2007, at the UniversityMedical Center in Jackson.
He was an artist and musician. He was a native of Brookhaven,and had been a resident of Philadelphia for the past 17 years. Hewas employed as an art instructor at East Mississippi CommunityCollege and had also taught at East Central and Meridian CommunityCollege. He was a member of the First United Methodist Church inPhiladelphia.
Preceding him in death were his parents, Bill and PegLauderdale, formerly of Brookhaven.
Survivors are his wife, Cynthia Lauderdale, of Philadelphia; hisson, David Lauderdale and wife Piper, of Philadelphia; hisdaughters, Sarah Lauderdale, of Birmingham, Ala., and ElizaLauderdale, of Philadelphia; and his brother, Jon Lauderdale, ofDandridge, Tenn.
The family requests memorials be made to The GideonsInternational, Compassion International, or charity of choice.
Marie Pendleton
Services for Marie Pendleton, of Wesson, are 1 p.m. Wednesday,Feb. 28, at Little Rock Baptist Church in Wesson with burial in thechurch cemetery. Tyler Funeral Home is in charge ofarrangements.
Visitation is Tuesday from noon until 5 p.m. at the funeralhome.
Mrs. Pendleton, 81, died Feb. 21, 2007, at her residence. Shewas born on Nov. 29, 1925, to Charlie Washington and Lula JohnsonWashington.
She was a retired beautician. She was a member of Damascus M.B.Church in Brookhaven.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, AlbertPendleton Sr.; her brothers, Jack Washington, George Washington,Charlie “Puddin” Washington Jr. and Booker T. Washington; hersisters, Betty McKenzie and Mary Sowelo; and one grandchild.
Survivors are her son, Albert Pendilton Jr., of Wesson; herdaughter, Elaine Magee, of Jackson; her brother, Frank Robinson, ofWesson; her sister, Laurasteen Washington, of Wesson; her threegrandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Allie V. Smith
Services for Allie V. Smith, of Brookhaven, are 11 a.m. Tuesday,Feb. 27, at Brookhaven Funeral Home on Natchez Drive with burial inNew Prospect Baptist Church Cemetery.
Visitation is Monday from 5 until 9 p.m. at the funeralhome.
Mrs. Smith, 96, died Feb. 25, 2007, at Silver Cross Home. Shewas born in Lincoln County on Aug. 26, 1910, to Thomas W. Furlowand Dora Allen Furlow.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of New Prospect BaptistChurch.
Preceding her in death were her parents and her husband, StanleyB. Smith.
Survivors are her special caregiver and great-niece, AngieBessonette and husband Mitchell; her great-niece, Deanie Edwards;her niece, Joanne Simons; and many other special nieces and nephewswhom she loved so well.