Thelma Lily Buckley
Published 5:00 am Monday, March 19, 2007
Visitation for Thelma Lily Buckley, of Ballwin, Mo., will beheld at Schrader Funeral Home at 14960 Manchester Road in Ballwinon Tuesday, March 20, from 2 until 7 p.m. The eulogy ceremony is at4 p.m. Mass services will be at St. Clare of Assisi on 15642Clayton Road in Ellisville, Mo., on Wednesday at 10 a.m., withburial at Jefferson Barracks.
Mrs. Buckley, 83, died March 17, 2007, at her home. She was bornin Oneida, Wis., to Christjohn Antone and Lily Poole.
She was a graduate of Oklahoma State College in Edmond, Okla.She earned her Master of Music degree from the University ofOklahoma, and later attended Louisiana State University for herdoctoral program in music. She was involved in music throughout herlife. While living in Venezuela, she performed in concerts, anddirected several choirs. She was a member of the St. Louis SymphonyChoir and directed the Junior League’s Nightingales. She was amember of the American Association of University Women.
While living in Brookhaven, (1962-1972) she was very involved inthe community through her music. She was a great supporter of theCub Scouts, and an active member of the Baptist church.
She was proud of her Native American heritage and was a memberof the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin Tribe. After tracing hergenealogy back to her ancestor who was Chief of the Oneida Nationduring the Revolutionary War, she was inducted into the Daughtersof the American Revolution. She was a member of St. Clare of AssisiParish.
Survivors are her husband, James L. Buckley Jr., of Ballwin; herchildren, James L. Buckley III, of Ft. Worth, Texas, Joanie L.Buckley, of St. Louis, Mo., Anthony W. Buckley, of Minneapolis,Minn., and Patrick C. Buckley, of Houston, Texas; her brother JohnAntone, of Glencoe, Mo., and her five grandchildren.