Officials’ absences prompt board talk postponements
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, March 21, 2007
MONTICELLO – Aldermen Tuesday heard a proposal from an insuranceagent that promised to provide more coverage at less cost.
The board renewed its insurance coverage with Clyde C. Scott inJanuary. However, Jack Brister, an agent with The Policy Center,said the city was underinsured and presented a proposal for hiscompany.
“It’s a lot more insurance for less money than what you havenow,” he said.
Aldermen listened as Brister outlined his proposal, but tabledthe matter for later discussion.
“I would rather us talk about this when the mayor is here,” saidMayor Pro Tem Steve Moreman.
Mayor David Nichols was out of town on business Tuesday.
The insurance proposal was one of several matters the boarddecided not to take up with the absence of Nichols and Ward FiveAlderman Craig “Bowie” Davis.
Among the topics postponed was a discussion of a smoking ban forthe town.
However, the board did schedule a trip to Washington, D.C., inJuly to discuss the town’s needs with Mississippi’s delegationthere. Nichols, Moreman, Ward One Alderman Jerry Goode and WardFour Alderman Kevin Garrett are planning to make the trip.
In other matters, the board voted to pay Griner Drilling ofColumbia $3,424 to use cameras to inspect the inside of the watertreatment plant.
City Clerk Debbie Lea said the plant is designed to pump 1,000gallons per minute, but is down to 500 gallons per minute.
The camera work should identify the problem so repairs can bemade, Moreman said.