Accountability, sufficient funding both needed in education budget

Published 5:00 am Monday, March 26, 2007

Let’s see, the Legislature started the current session without abudget over a dispute about education funding.

The dispute was settled after the state Department of Educationre-sharpened its pencil. But now in the closing days of the sessionthe education funding battle has re-ignited with House memberssaying they are willing to walk away from the entire budgetagreement if an additional $13 million is not added to theeducation budget.

At issue here is additional funding being requested for studentsclassified as “at risk” per federal guidelines. While the statealready earmarks $250 million, House leaders say more isneeded.

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Senate leaders say election year politics is at play while Houseleaders say they are just trying to play catch-up from years pastwhen full funding was not granted.

Yes, there is politics at play here in both houses – Democratsand Republicans alike.

Politics is being played when agreements to fully fund educationonly come in an election year. Politics is being played by thelast-minute antics of House Democrats to change the budget.

Why can’t we just do what we are supposed to do and find theways and means to properly educate our children? Senate memberswant more accountability while House members want more money.

Somehow we have to find a way to do both!