Banks cite safety procedures in robbery situations
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, April 3, 2007
After the Trustmark National Bank in Wesson was hit last week bywhat authorities believe is a serial bank robber, bank officialsacross the state are turning their eyes toward their own securitypractices.
Brookhaven is no different. Area banks consider themselvesfairly well prepared against a heist, though Brookhaven has rarelyhad such a problem.
Chris Thurman, president of the Brookhaven Trustmark NationalBank, said protecting the money is a concern, but the human assetsare the most important ones.
“We have procedures in place in a robbery situation to not onlyprotect the safety of our customers and employees but also to alertthe authorities as best we can,” he said. “We want to keep everyoneas calm as possible, and certainly our interests are to protect ouremployees as well as our customers.”
To his knowledge, Thurman said the Brookhaven Trustmark hasnever been robbed.
Other local bank officials also cited security measures and thedesire to protect employees and customers.
“There are about four levels of security that would have to bebreached here for a successful bank robbery to be pulled off,” saidShannon Aker, senior vice president of Bank of Brookhaven.
First Bank Executive Vice President Coney Lea said protection isa must, and that employees are educated in safety measures to takein case of a bank robbery situation.
“Our biggest concern is to protect the employees and customersin the bank,” he said. “There are things before, during, and aftera robbery that help greatly to protect the employees.”
Jack Rutland, head of security at State Bank, said each bankfocuses on training, as preparation and protection are alwaysstrengthened by the knowledge of the employees. Like First Bank,Rutland said State Bank focuses on before, during and after therobbery.
“That’s exactly how it is with every bank,” he said. “You’regoing to have training and preparation in all three of thosephases. You try to have the best response for any type ofsituation, and you train every year but you just pray it neverhappens.”
But Brookhaven’s banks have a secret weapon when it comes toprotection: The Brookhaven Police Department is dedicated to makingsure the banks are secure and the customers are safe.
“One of the reasons our town has not been hit is that we have agreat, very visible police force,” said Aker. “They’re in the bankseveral times during the day, and they’re in the parking lotthroughout the day. We also have some mechanisms available tosignal them without anyone else knowing there’s somethingwrong.”
Police Chief Pap Henderson said his officers are prepared for abank robbery situation not only for the protection, but also forthe bank employees’ peace of mind.
“Any time law enforcement is visible, I feel strongly thatemployees feel a lot safer,” Henderson said. “I feel that thethreat of a bank robbery is always there, and we have plans inaction. We definitely prepare for that kind of situation.”
And bank officials say the visible presence of the policedepartment does put them and their employees at ease.
“I would attribute most of our safety – I think most of thebanks here would say the same thing – BPD does an excellent job ofworking with us on a local level,” said Thurman.
Lea said some of the security measures officials take at FirstBank are in conjunction with BPD.
“We have a lot of procedures in place with the police departmentthat we follow, too,” he said. “We have a real good system herewith the police department.”
Rutland said as long as he has worked with State Bank, local lawenforcement has been dedicated to protecting the banks ofBrookhaven.
“We’re fortunate that Brookhaven has a chief and officers whoare committed to the banks. I’ve been at State Bank 20 years andthe level of support has always been high,” he said. “It’ssomething that goes on every day. We do have policies andprocedures that we work hand in hand with the PD to providecustomers and employees with the safety they should expect fromus.”