Loyd Star gets revenge, comes back to nip Wesson
Published 5:00 am Friday, April 6, 2007
T.J. Floyd singled in Drew Weaver for the game-winning runThursday night as the host Loyd Star Hornets clipped the WessonCobras 2-1 in eight innings of Division 6-2A baseball action.
In the bottom of the sixth inning, Loyd Star’s Josh McCaffreyattempt a sacrifice bunt to scored John Floyd from third base totie Wesson at 1-all.
“Jarred Rogers showed a lot of guts tonight, he manage to shutdown Wesson’s best hitters,” said Loyd Star coach JonathanBreakfield. “This was a big win for our team. Hopefully, it givesus momentum for the playoff/district tournament.”
Loyd Star wraps up regular season play Saturday at West Marionwith the junior varsity starting at noon followed by the varsitycontest at 2..
Wesson hosts West Lincoln today for a makeup game and entertainsMagee Saturday, both games begin at 11 a.m. with the JV and 1 p.m.for the varsity.
“It was a good game,” said Wesson coach Hugh Webb. “We did notdo the little things that helps win games. Both pitchers pitched agood game.”
On the mound, Jarred Rogers posted the win with 7 strikeouts and2 walks. Losing hurler Micah Davis fanned 14 batters and walked7.
The Cobras went up 1-0 in the second inning from a homerun byJonathan Grace.
Junior varsity game
Loyd Star nipped Wesson 8-7 in JV play, powered by NathanWilliams with a home run and a double. Korey Allen alsodoubled.
Gage Wilson and Cody Chrestman each singled twice forWesson.