Gray takes Parklane to big game

Published 5:00 am Monday, April 9, 2007

MCCOMB — Parklane Academy boys basketball coach Ricky Grayinspired his Pioneer boys basketball team to do something theyhaven’t done since 1990. They returned to the championship game ofthe MPSA Overall State Basketball Tournament.

In the championship game, Parklane fell to district rivalMadison Ridgeland Academy by a score of 61-54. Still, the Pioneersmade an impressive showing as they battled their way to the titlegame.

For his accomplishments, Gray has been named The DAILY LEADER’SCoach of the year on the 2007 All-Area Boys Basketball Team. Thisis the second straight year for Gray to be Coach of the Year.

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“It’s an honor,” said Gray who is in his second year atParklane. “It means a lot, being Brookhaven is my home. Iappreciate the support.”

Gray’s Pioneers were 28-6 and finished third in the tough MPSAClass AAA South Division 1 along Jackson Prep and Madison-RidgelandAcademy. He teams finished second in the State AAA tournament andsecond in Overall.

When asked about this year’s team, Gray smiled.

“They were a blessing to coach,” praised Gray. “We had the samestarting 5 for the last 2 years. We are 57-13 over the last 2years.”

Gray’s fabulous five include Tyler Cunningham (All-Area MVP),Dane Hogan (All-Area team), Drew Stone, Toby Rooker and KyleAdams.

“They have been together for two years,” continued Gray. “Theywere a great group of guys to coach.”

Cunningham loved playing his final 2 years at Parklane underGray. “I loved it. He’s a great guy to be around. He knows what heis talking about.”

Gray said the support from the fans, administration andcommunity was great this year.

“We played in front of packed houses,” stated Gray. “This wasthe first Parklane team to make overall since 1990.”

Gray says the future looks bright for the Pioneers.

“I feel good about our future,” said Gray. “We have a good groupof young kids. Kyle and Dane are back. We will be ready.”

Gray has always been a man who has followed his heart. Recently,he got an unexpected message from it, pain. Gray was set to gofishing when he felt the pain and knew he needed to do somethingabout it and quick.

In the hospital, Gray was told he had 2 clogged arteries, onewas 100 percent clogged and the other one 75 percent. Following acatherization and stint in one artery, Gray felt better but he wasstill scheduled to have the other done early last week.

Gray grew up around athletics, especially basketball. He comefrom a rich heritage of athletes.

Gray, 47, is the eldest son of John and Marie Gray. He has ayoung brother Barry who coaches the Brookhaven Academy Lady Cougarsand is athletic director.

His and his brother were coached by their father at BrookhavenAcademy while growing up. His father served as the headmaster, headfootball coach and head boys basketball coach for many years.

Gray’s success as a coach comes from learning from one of thebest coaches in the state. His father is in the Sports Hall of Fameat Hinds Community College and Mississippi College in basketballand baseball.

Gray is a graduate of BA and earned his B.S. degree at SouthernMississippi.

Over the years, Gray has coached at Wilkinson County ChristianAcademy, Brookhaven Academy, Hillcrest Christian, Indianola, AdamsCounty Christian School and Enterprise.

Gray also serves as Middle School Dean and coaches the juniorhigh basketball teams. He teaches physical science.

Gray and his wife Gail have been married for 17 years and arethe parents of two children, John, age 11, and Mary Katherine, age2 1/2.

He and his family are members of Fair River Baptist Church.