Jobless rate sees small Feb. decline
Published 5:00 am Friday, April 13, 2007
Lincoln County’s unemployment rate fell 0.1 percent in Februaryto 6.6 percent, according to the Mississippi Department ofEmployment Security in the latest figures announced this week.
The state posted an average unemployment rate of 6.8 percent,and several other area counties recorded unemploymentdecreases.
“It’s hard to tell what affects the change when it’s a tenth ofa percent,” said David Holland of the Lincoln County Win JobsCenter. “The best thing is to compare Lincoln County to the rest ofthe state and nation.”
Wayne Gasson, MDES chief of Labor Market Information, said in arelease that the state’s figures should stay fairly steady throughthe spring.
“Warmer than usual weather could lead to an earlier thanexpected planting season and help alleviate high unemployment inthe farming areas,” Gasson said. “Most other areas of the stateshould see little change in conditions.”
Holland said Lincoln County, while it’s not really a farmingtown, could possibly still be affected by the warmer weather.
“We’re not really an agricultural county; however, the weatheris good for construction,” he said.
Jefferson County currently has the highest unemployment rate inthe state at 14.3 percent, down from 14.9 in January. MeanwhileLincoln County ranks 27th in the state.
“We’re not that much higher than the lowest percentage in thestate,” said Holland. “It would seem that everyone that wants towork is working. We have a good labor market situation.”
The lowest counties in the state are DeSoto, Lamar and Rankin,all at 4.5 percent.
Copiah County recorded a 0.1 percent decrease, going fromJanuary’s total of 8.3 percent down to 8.2. Pike remained steady at7.1 percent, the same as January’s percentage.
Franklin County fell 0.2 percent from last month’s 7.4 percentto 7.2 percent for February, and Lawrence fell from 8 percent to7.7 for February. Walthall County also dropped 0.3 percent, from6.9 percent to 6.6 percent.
Amite County recorded the only gain in the area, rising from 8.1for January to 8.3 for February.