2 bystanders hurt during altercation
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 30, 2007
Two people at a McComb drive-in restaurant were injured whenthey were hit by stray bullets fired during an altercation at anearby car wash, authorities said.
McComb Police are searching for the parties responsible for theshooting at a car wash across from the Sonic on DelawareAvenue.
Lieutenant Gregory Martin said police are not sure who theperpetrators were or why they were shooting, but apparently therewas an altercation at the Grand Prix Car Wash. Martin said policereceived a call indicating that shots had been fired at 11:44 p.m.Saturday.
When officers arrived on the scene, two victims had been struckby bullets.
The first, Sonic employee Lynetia Vanerson, 18, had been grazedin the stomach.
“She said there appeared to be an altercation at the car wash onDelaware Avenue, and she turned to watch it,” he said. “When shedid, she heard shots ring out and she was struck in thestomach.”
Martin said Vanerson’s wound was a flesh wound. She was sent toSouthwest Mississippi Regional Hospital and later released.
The second victim, Joseph A. Rodriguez, 19, also of McComb, isstill in the hospital in stable condition, according to hospitalofficials.
“He was standing near the same area and was struck with a roundin the lower abdomen,” Martin said.
Martin said 18-year-old Darius Montgomery escaped unscathedexcept for a flat tire.
“There was a third victim whose back tire was shot out,” saidMartin. “He drove to the Donut Palace and noticed his tire wasflat, got out and checked it apparently a shot had blown out histire.”
Martin said anyone with information on the shootings is urged tocall the McComb Police Department at 601-684-3213 and ask to speakto Sgt. Doug McKenzie.