More arrests made in Wed. shooting
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 30, 2007
MONTICELLO – A man involved in a shooting incident at aMonticello trailer park Wednesday evening turned himself intoauthorities Thursday night, authorities said.
Jemell Smith, 19, of Monticello, turned himself in to theMonticello Police Department about 5 p.m. Thursday, said officerScott Stormo. Smith has been charged with accessory to aggravatedassault.
Stormo also identified two suspects arrested Thursday morning inconnection to the shooting incident that happened Wednesday at atrailer park on F.E. Sellers Highway. Victor Taylor, of Monticello,has been charged with displaying a firearm and Frankie Lofton, ofMonticello, has been charged with disorderly conduct.
Smith’s arrest brought the total number of arrests in the caseto nine, Stormo said.
Eight of the suspects have been released on bond. Smith willhave an initial appearance before a judge today to determine bond,he said.
“The two shooters are the two that we don’t have,” Stormo said.”We will make an arrest shortly.”
Arrest warrants alleging aggravated assault, shooting into anoccupied dwelling and shooting into a motor vehicle have beenassigned for the shooters, he said. A warrant has also been issuedon a third aggravated assault charge.
The recent arrests came after Smith and two other men allegedlyfollowed Lavar Walls, 24, of 521 Ras Case Road, Monticello; JamarWalls, 28, of 1578 Nola Road, Monticello; and Lofton to a trailerpark on F.E. Sellers Highway and opened fire with handguns inretaliation for a weekend fight, Stormo said. The Wallses andLofton have been charged with disorderly conduct.
Four trailer homes and three vehicles were struck as the menexchanged approximately 15-20 shots, he said. No one wasinjured.
Law enforcement officials arrived as the men fired upon wereleaving the scene and prompted a short police chase that resultedin two arrests. Lofton allegedly jumped from the vehicle with ahandgun and fled into the woods, but was arrested early Thursdaymorning. A handgun was recovered during his arrest.
Most of those arrested Wednesday were not involved in the actualshooting, but were charged for displaying a firearm and otheroffenses, Stormo said.