Hospital CEO interviews to start soon

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 1, 2007

King’s Daughters Medical Center officials will begininterviewing potential candidates for the vacant chief executiveofficer position at the hospital this month.

“We do have several candidates scheduled to come in during thenext 30 days to interview for the post of CEO,” said Sherra Smith,chairwoman of the hospital’s board of trustees.

Smith would not say how many candidates were invited for theonsite interviews, but said that initially only “a handful” arebeing considered. Other candidates could be invited later, shesaid.

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In addition to being interviewed for position qualifications,the candidates will stay in the city for a short time, shesaid.

“They will be coming to visit Brookhaven and stay for about twodays as they take a closer look at our facility and the community,”Smith said.

Hospital officials will take the candidates on a tour of areaschools, recreational areas and other points of interest, such as alook at golf courses for a golfing enthusiast, she said.

Former CEO Phillip Grady resigned Jan. 26 after more than sevenyears at the hospital’s helm.

Quorum Health Resources, a national management company taskedwith providing the CEO and chief financial officer for thehospital, contracted with management consultant Glenn Davis inearly February to lead the hospital until a permanent replacementcould be found. However, Davis left at the end of March forpersonal reasons.

“We had already begun receiving applications, so he was able toleave and return to North Carolina,” Smith said.

Dean Snider, KDMC’s chief financial officer, has been acting CEOsince Davis’ departure. Snider, who has been with the hospital for15 years, also served as acting CEO before Grady was selected.

Chip Holmes, a QHR regional vice president, has said that Maywould be the earliest a candidate would be selected and estimatedthe process could last until July.