Brookway Blvd. striping starts soon
Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 3, 2007
The proposed striping of Brookway Boulevard is expected to beginsoon and will be completed sometime in the next two weeks, MayorBob Massengill told the Board of Aldermen Tuesday night.
Massengill said work crews from Traffic Control Products inJackson would begin work either May 7 or May 14, and that theactual striping should be finished within three days of thestarting date.
“The company that’s doing this also did County Line Road (inJackson),” said Massengill. “They’ll do it as quickly andpainlessly as possible.”
To avoid traffic issues, it might be a good idea for motoriststo use alternate routes during the work, the mayor said.
Public Works Director Steve Moreton said the striping will costthe city $18,628.
Massengill also said the water well generator donated to thecity by Park City, Ill., in the wake of Katrina is up and running.He said a dedication ceremony will be held June 1 at 4 p.m., andthat Park City’s officials will be invited to the ceremony.
“Hopefully we’ll never have another long period without power,but if we do, this generator will help get us through it,” hesaid.
In other action Tuesday night, the board voted to approve theproposed changes to the controversial Brookway Subdivision proposedfor development in the open area flanked by Brookwood Avenue andUnion Street.
After the plans for the subdivision were proposed with 32 homes,residents of the existing neighborhood expressed concerns abouthouse and yard size, as well as drainage and traffic congestion inthe area.
Jamie Miller, the developer, came back with a revised plan for28 homes that was sent to the board of aldermen after the planningcommission gave it the okay. The board then sent it back to theplanning commission under charges to make sure residents of thearea are happy with the development before it continues.
Miller, who is constructing a privacy fence around the areabefore construction starts on the homes, had already taken stridesto see that all his construction will be in line with city codesand ordinances.
“Everyone seemed happy with the changes,” said Walter Temple,speaking of the April 17 planning commission meeting in which theplat was approved again and sent back to the board for Tuesdaynight’s vote.
Massengill also made several proclamations for observances forupcoming and current days and weeks.
The first was National Municipal Clerks Week from April 29-May5. Massengill took that opportunity to recognize City Clerk MikeJinks and the job he does for the community.
“I really appreciate Mike and the job he does,” said Massengill.”And I’m glad to get this chance to say what he means to me andwhat he means to the City of Brookhaven.”
April 29-May 5 was also designated Relay for Life Week inLincoln County and Brookhaven in honor of the American CancerSociety’s fight against cancer, and in preparation for Friday andSaturday’s Relay for Life in Brookhaven.
National Nursing Home Week was designated to begin on Mother’sDay, May 13 and end on May 19.
Finally, May was designated Mental Health Awareness Month in aproclamation calling on all members of the Brookhaven community torecommit to increasing awareness and understanding of mentalillness.