First United Methodist Church consecrates Ministry Center

Published 5:00 am Monday, May 7, 2007

First United Methodist Church leaders and members held aconsecration service Sunday for the church’s new Ministry Center indowntown Brookhaven.

Construction on the $1.7 million facility began in December 2005and was completed about a month ago, said Don Underwood, chairmanof the church’s building committee.

The new center features a commercial kitchen and multiplerestrooms with showers. Underwood said the restrooms with showerswould allow the church to better serve evacuees and others duringhurricanes.

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In addition, the auditorium includes a “sports carpet.”Underwood said it is functional for both basketball and volleyball,as well as for church services.

Also as part of the project, a Memorial Garden was developedbetween the church on West Cherokee Street and the center on SouthJackson Street. It features benches and memorials to churchmembers, families and others.

“This is so nice,” said church member Kathleen Smith as shewalked in the garden after the consecration service. “This is solong in coming.”

Underwood said the church will recognize the Harrigill family,who contributed the funding to allow the church to purchase thebuilding for the Ministry Center from the Perkins family. Thebuilding was originally Perkins Furniture.

During the Sunday afternoon service, Underwood expressedappreciation to the building committee for their guidancethroughout the process. Committee members include Ray Davis, SallyDoty, Betsy Smith, Bob Holland, Randy Hamill, Greg Howell, DonPerkins and Teresa Harvey.

“This was a great group to work with, and all of our decisionswere by consensus,” Underwood said.

Underwood voiced special thanks to the Rev. Wayne Webster forhis work during the project. He called Webster the “perfectbalance” between preacher and church administrator.

Webster said the project was a challenge, but also one thatstretched the church’s faith.

“It has caused us to learn a lesson in the power of positivethinking,” Webster said.

The project experienced several delays during therenovation.

Underwood mentioned some asbestos removal, drainage issues, slowarrival of materials, a few subcontractor issues and weatherdifficulties. He credited a great working relationship betweenchurch leaders and contractor Paul Jackson and Son for keeping theproject moving forward.

“Overall, it was very positive experience,” said Underwood.