St. Francis of Assisi renovations complete
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 4, 2007
The discovery of a simple squirrel hole four years ago ledparishioners of St. Francis Catholic Church to the realization thatafter 120 years, it was time for a restoration of the building.
The church, founded in 1866, built in 1887 and located at 227East Cherokee St., has been undergoing big changes since 2003.
Plans have been made for June 17 to be the day of recommitment.Jackson Diocese Bishop Joseph Latino will be on hand to conduct thereconsecration, which will take place at the 9:30 a.m. mass.
St. Francis spokesperson David Phillips said an invitation hasbeen sent to all the church’s parishioners and some special guests,but everyone in the community is invited to celebrate therededication. He said the event is one that church officials andmembers alike want to share with the city of Brookhaven, where thechurch has made its home for so many years.
“Everyone is welcome,” he said. “This is really a reaffirmationof the parish, but it’s a reaffirmation of the community aswell.”
David Phillips’ wife Jiminette said the new altar will be amajor focus for the event.
“The heart of the rededication is anointing the altar,” shesaid. “In the Catholic Church, mass centers around holy communionprepared on the altar.”
Jiminette Phillips said the dedication is conducted by anointingthe altar and several other spots in the church with the Oil ofChrism, which is a perfumed baptismal oil that represents beingchosen for a special task.
“This is all about stewardship, because everything we’ve workedon has contributed toward this day,” she said.
The work includes customized architecture by Scott Morgan ofRidgeland, and ornamentation by sculptor Tracy H. Sugg. Sugg isresponsible for the ornamentation on the walls that match parts ofthe stained-glass windows and the new altar.
Phillips said the squirrels and the age of the building amountedto extensive structural damage that has taken more than four yearsto complete.
“This will be a culmination of all the years of work,” DavidPhillips said.
The work Phillips spoke of has included interior and exteriorbeautification, as well as much-needed drainage work.
Parts of the renovations were made possible by the financialgenerosity of church members.
“The seed money to do this was given to us by the Behan family,”he said. “They are long-time parishioners here at St. Francis.”
The parish has been in the city of Brookhaven for 151 years, andis currently under the direction of Father Patrick Noonan.
Regular mass services are held at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday, withRosary service preceding it directly at 9 a.m. Confession is heldSaturday at 5:15 p.m., with Saturday Vigil at 6 p.m.