Father’s Day motorcycle rodeo to benefit Habitat
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 18, 2007
The band Generations, of Brookhaven, will headline the 16thannual ABATE of Mississippi’s Southwest Chapter’s Father’s DayMotorcycle Rodeo at Atwood Water Park in Monticello thisweekend.
The band will perform Saturday around 8 p.m., said SandraSarich, public relations officer for American Bikers Active TowardEducation, or ABATE.
“They played last year. They do such a good job,” she said.
The live entertainment will conclude Saturday’s activities,which begin at 10 a.m. with a motorcycle Poker Run. During a pokerrun, participants pick up cards at several locations throughout thecounty. The rider with the best poker hand, not the first tocomplete the circuit, is the winner of the event.
Traditional bike games will begin near the pavilion at the backof the park at 3 p.m. This year’s games include the helmet toss,ball and cone, weenie bite and slow race.
In the helmet toss, a rider or passenger attempts to toss ahelmet into a 55-gallon drum while the motorcycle is moving. Theball and cone is similar, with participants attempting to place atennis ball on the top of a traffic cone.
A dangling hot dog is the only ingredient needed for the weeniebite. The participant must bite off a piece of the hot dog as themotorcycle passes beneath it. The passenger with the largest bitetaken wins for the team.
The slow race is just that. The winner is the last bike to crossthe finish line.
The rider is not allowed to let his feet touch the ground in anyof the events.
The Christian Motorcycle Association will conduct the Blessingof the Bikes Sunday morning before worship services.
The gates open each day at 9 a.m.
Last year’s Father’s Day rodeo attracted about 200 motorcyclistsfrom across Southwest Mississippi, Sarich said.
Several vendors also establish booths for the event, shesaid.
There is a $10 general admission fee, $5 for ABATE members, andchildren under the age of 14 are admitted free. Proceeds from themotorcycle rodeo will benefit the Lawrence County Habitat forHumanity.