People can now vote absentee
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Absentee voting for county primary elections starts today, andCircuit Clerk Terry Lynn Watkins is reminding voters to get theirballots in if they’re not going to be able to get to the polls onAugust 7.
Watkins said there are three main reasons people have to useabsentee ballots in the primaries.
“If you’re going to be out of town on election day, if you’reover 65, or if you’re a student and will not be here, those are thethree most widely used reasons for voting absentee,” saidWatkins.
She said by simply contacting the circuit clerk’s office, voterswho will not be present can have an absentee voter applicationmailed to them if they can’t pick one up.
“If you’re not able for any reason, you can call and we’ll maila voter application and a ballot to you,” said Watkins. “And youcan vote and it comes back to us in the mail.”
People who commute out of the county for work or those who willbe on vacation are encouraged to go ahead and vote absentee, justto make sure their votes are counted.
“If you already know you’re going to be out of town, go aheadand stop by and pick one up,” said Watkins. “That way you won’tforget.”
Watkins said in order to be more accommodating to the voters,the circuit clerk’s office will be open the last two Saturdaysbefore the election, July 28 and August 4, for those who need tovote absentee.
Watkins said the county-wide elections usually have a highnumber of absentee ballots, with the last election bringing inaround 2,000.
“That makes a big difference in an election of this size,” shesaid.
Watkins said the ballots are supposed to be in her office as ofMonday. She said they had been ordered but hadn’t come in onFriday.
“I talked to the printer last Thursday, and we’ve had themordered for a while,” she said. “They’re supposed to be in today,but if they’re not, we’ll have them very shortly.”