Candidates evaluating cost-saving measures
Published 5:00 am Thursday, July 5, 2007
Editor’s note: Today, The DAILY LEADER concludes a series ofquestion and answer sessions with candidates for District Twosupervisor. Incumbent District Two Supervisor Bobby J. Watts andcandidate Ellis Dave Chatmon responded to the newspaper’s surveywhile candidate Jerry Nix did not participate.
As operating and other costs continue to rise, what wayscan Lincoln County explore to save taxpayer dollars? In what areasdo you think savings can be realized and how?
Ellis Dave Chatmon:
Access the services provided in the district, and see if thereis a local person that can provide the service needed rather thanbringing in workers from out of town. Converse with fellowsupervisors and see if they have an employee with the skills orability needed to get the job done. If so work out a deal with thatperson and get the job done. This could be a means of savings.
Bobby Watts:
The Board of Supervisors should mobilize support and assistancefrom within each district. Every project is different and has itsown unique criteria. The object is to find the best balance to fillthe needs of each project. The Board of Supervisors has theauthority the accept or reject any and all bids on eachproject.