District Three hopefuls talk road improvements

Published 5:00 am Monday, July 9, 2007

Editor’s note: Today The DAILY LEADER continues series ofquestions and answers with candidates for District ThreeSupervisor. Candidate Russell Laird and incumbent Nolan EarlWilliamonson responded to the newspaper’s survey while candidateMarley Bowman did not participate.

Roads are a constant source of concern for districtcitizens. What road improvements do you envision for your districtand how do you plan to pay for them? Would you consider a taxincrease? If not, what services would you cut to fund the proposedroad work?

Russell Lamar Laird:

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1. First of all I would like to establish a PlannedMaintenance System, and have as many jobs set up on a schedule toaddress things before they become a problem, like road clipping,road patching, bridges inspections and repairs.

2. For funding, I believe if the money is managed properlywe would have enough. If not, we should keep checking on federalgrants and federal aids to help cover the cost.

3. It depends on what kind of tax that is being talk about,as far as land taxes and home taxes I do not think they should beraised any more. If we raise taxes it should be where every onewill be effected. I think we should look into the possibility ofsale tax or how we acquire new business into the county.

4. I do not think any services should be cut, I have seendistricts maintaining well kept roads and doing it within theirbudget.

Nolan Williamson:

I will continue with the program I have in place, watchingwhat I buy, how I spend District Three money, doing whatmaintenance work on the equipment that I can and putting DistrictThree money on the roads. There were 89 plus miles of gravel roadsin District Three. We now have about seven miles left and I thinkthat as high as taxes are now no one should have to live on agravel road.

I have built eight bridges with “District Three” money. Ihave replaced 22 small bridges with big pipe. I have redecked sixbridges with new boards. I have replaced six bridges with L and Band federal funds. In 1999, there were nine bridges in DistrictThree on the critical maintenance list, and in 2006 there are twobridges on the list, and I have them and one more on the LSBprogram list to be replaced. We are waiting on the state aidpaperwork. In the seven years I have resealed and paved 180.7 milesof roads. I will continue with the program that I have inplace.