Interest appears high in both state, local Republican races
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 30, 2007
The results of last week’s online poll produced some interestingfindings and may offer a commentary on the popularity of an arearace for elected office.
In the unscientific poll, only four percentage points separatedthe number of people who planned to vote in the Democratic primary(49.5 percent) and those who plan to participate in the Republicanprimary (45.3 percent). State law allows people to vote in eitherparty’s primary, but voters may not participate in both.
The interesting aspect of the results is that the GOP primaryreally has only one race to draw area voters’ interest.
Paul Barnett, Everett “Gene” Buckles and Becky Currie are vyingfor the right to face D.W. Maxwell, who is unopposed for theDemocratic nomination, in the November general election. The GOPprimary ballot also features several contests for the party’snominations for statewide offices, but the lieutenant governor’sbattle between State Auditor Phil Bryant and State Sen. CharlieRoss is the only one generating significant heat.
By contrast, Lincoln County’s Democratic primary ballot includesmultiple contested races for local offices. In addition tostatewide and regional contests, the Democratic ballot has morethan 10 contested races, most notably for sheriff, for all but onesupervisor district and for justice court judges – both seats ofwhich are open this year.
With a strong Republican governor, interest in GOP politicsstatewide continues to run high. Last week’s poll results suggestinterest is picking up on the local level as well.