Merchants host back to school event

Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 2, 2007

MONTICELLO – Broad Street will close Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4p.m. as Monticello offers its “Back To School BLAST” for parentsand students.

vThe Monticello Merchants Association’s fall MonticelloMarketplace will highlight activities and vendor opportunities tohelp students both to enjoy the last weekend of the summer and totake advantage of price discounts to get items for school, saidspokeswoman Gaye McElroy.

Broad Street will be closed from the signal light at F.E.Sellers Highway to the courthouse to allow local businesses and avariety of more than 65 outside vendors to fill the street with”unique shopping opportunities,” McElroy said.

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A Families First Resource Center booth will offer free schoolsupply lists to assist parents in ensuring their child has all heor she needs to be ready when school opens next week.

“There will be everything they need to go back to school andmuch more,” McElroy said.

The merchants association will also be selling T-shirts with theBack To School BLAST logo featuring each school’s mascot. Theshirts have been approved by Superintendent Russell Caudill forwear on campus T-shirt days.

Children’s activities include the fire department spraying waterfor kids to play in and the “Family Fun Zone.” Entry to the zonewill cost $5, McElroy said, but covers the entire day and includesinflatables, dunking booth, games and watermelons, among otheractivities.

Activities for adults include a Christian Karaoke Contest infront of Living Waters Books and the “Stumpin’ at the Courthouse”political forum from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

“It should be a fun day leading into Montipalooza,” McElroysaid.

The Kentucky Headhunters will headline Saturday’s entertainersat the annual rock festival at 8 p.m. Area groups will beginperforming at Atwood Water Park at 6:30 p.m. to lead into thefeatured act.

Tickets are $15 at the gate.