Donation puts Firepup on duty full time

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Brookhaven Fire Department mascot Firepup finally has a home anddoesn’t have to worry about being relocated any time soon, thanksto some helpful members of the Brookhaven Alpha Lions Club.

Previously, Firepup was on loan to BFD pending payment of $1,000for the suit. Firepup visits schools, daycare centers and otherplaces to educate children and adults about the importance of firesafety.

Following an initial contribution of $150 by two donors in earlyMarch, Fire Chief Bob Watts had spearheaded efforts to pay off thebalance owed on the mascot.

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But that remaining $850 was starting to loom, and in spite ofWatts’ best efforts, the funds just weren’t coming through. Factorin the downtown Brookhaven fire on May 24 and annexation, and firedepartment attention was directed in several other directions.

Some firefighters even affectionately began to call the mascot”Repo Pup.” But Repo Pup’s luck changed when Watts ran into localphilanthropist L. Ralph Smith.

“I was aware of the need months ago when it was in the paper,” saidSmith, who donated some at that time. “It’s been on my mind, so Iasked about it.”

When Smith found out there was still a balance on the suit, he wentto his local Lions Club for a solution. He said he really didn’teven have to mention the project before they asked how they couldhelp.

“When I come home, I’m always up to something like this, so theyasked what I was up to,” he said. “When I told them about it, wemade a motion in the meeting, and the Lions Club gave $100.”

Smith said individual members of the Lions Club stepped up afterthe meeting, some of them writing checks on the spot for him totake to Watts.

“I didn’t invent the phrase, but the children are our future,” saidSmith, who said that was the reason he found the Firepup projectimportant.

Watts said he and his department are grateful and overjoyed thatthe suit is finally paid off. Donors to the Firepup suit fund areSmith, the Alpha Lions Club, Wayne Jackson, Angels Attic, DorisWinborne, Katherine Rawls and Glenn Driskell.

“We’re very glad, and it’s all due to Mr. L. Ralph, because heraised the money for us,” he said. “Firepup now belongs to theBrookhaven Fire Department and the people who paid for him.”

Watts said it has also pleased him how his firefighters hadembraced Firepup as a way to reach out to the community.

“It has surprised me some of the guys who stepped up to do it,” hesaid of Firepup’s various outings with BFD. “I haven’t had to forceanyone to do it, they’ve just been willing to help.”

Firefighter Aaron Welch said he doesn’t mind wearing the suitbecause he might be able to make a difference to area children.

“Kids will listen to a cartoon character better than they willadults,” he said. “It’s a great way to teach them aboutsafety.”

Capt. Furman Freeman said it helps to give kids something they canrelate to.

“Kids think all fire departments are supposed to have a Dalmatian,”he said. “Firepup is a big Dalmatian, and the kids love that.”

Firepup will frequent area schools this fall, especially inOctober, which is Fire Prevention Awareness Month.