Kathleen N. Driskill

Published 5:00 am Monday, September 10, 2007

Services for Kathleen N. Driskill, of Brookhaven, are 2 p.m.Friday, Sept. 7, at Brookhaven Funeral Home on Natchez Drive withburial at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 9, at Forest Lawn Cemetery inNorfolk, Va.

Visitation is today from noon until 2 p.m. at the funeralhome.

Mrs. Driskill, 94, died Sept. 6, 2007, at her residence at theInez Hotel Apartments. She was born in Lincoln County on Dec. 29,1912, to Richard Elias Newton Sr. and Ruth Allgood Newton.

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She was a graduate of Brookhaven High School and WhitworthCollege in Brookhaven. She received a bachelor’s degree fromWilliam and Mary College in Virginia. She lived in Norfolk for 54years where she taught school for 22 years in Norfolk City, Va. Shealso taught school in Lincoln County for six years. She was amember of First Baptist Church of Brookhaven.

Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, Lestley W.Driskill, of Norfolk; her two brothers, Richard Newton Jr. andRobert Higdon Newton; and two sisters, Elsie Bowman and Annie RuthNewton.

Survivors are her brothers, Roscoe Newton and Sherman L. Newton,both of Brookhaven; her two sisters, Nora West and Ella Sandidge,both of Brookhaven; and several nieces and nephews, great-niecesand great-nephews.