March of Dimes walk aims to prevent preterm births
Published 5:00 am Friday, October 19, 2007
Organizers hope to draw support for the prevention of pretermbirths during the March of Dimes 2007 Brookhaven WalkAmerica atExchange Club Park Saturday.
The walk for fundraising teams begins at 4 p.m., and theExchange Club will open rides for the public from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.Concessions will be open from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Donations will be accepted all night, said Hope Smith, localchairwoman for the event.
In last year’s event, 14 teams raised more than $16,500 to helpin the research to prevent preterm births and support families inthe midst of crisis, she said. The goal is to reach $25,000 thisyear.
Twenty percent of Mississippi babies are born preterm, which ishigher than the national average of approximately 13 percent, saidAlan Burrow, March of Dimes division director.
“We have the highest rate of preterm birth in the nation,” hesaid. “It is the leading cause of infant mortality and a lot ofchildren born preterm have long-term difficulties.”
WalkAmerica is the primary fundraiser nationwide to fund theorganization’s research and support networks.