Jingle Bell Jubilee set for weekend

Published 5:00 am Friday, November 2, 2007

MONTICELLO – The second annual Jingle Bell Jubilee will kick offtoday with a pep rally on the grounds of the Lawrence County CivicCenter.

Jingle Bell Jubilee is the first of the quarterly MonticelloMarketplace events to close downtown streets for a second time. TheJubilee launched Monticello Marketplace events in November2006.

Gay McElroy, an organizer for the event, said MonticelloMarketplace events will begin on a Thursday for the first time witha public pep rally at 6 p.m. to encourage the Cougars well as theyenter the playoffs. The Lawrence County High School band, footballteam and cheerleaders will also wish the merchants well to kick offthe Holiday Open House.

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Monticello stores will feature special discounts and stay openlate tonight and Friday in conjunction with the Jubiliee, shesaid.

“Each store is kind of doing its own thing,” McElroy said.”They’ll all be decorated in the Marketplace-theme spirit. Eachstore will have selected discounts and extended hours, but itvaries from store to store.”

Coupon books, available now at the Lawrence County CommunityDevelopment Association and Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce,will be honored during the event and do not expire until Dec.31.

Broad Street will close from the civic center to CourthouseSquare around 9 a.m. Saturday to allow vendors time to set up forthe event’s 10 a.m. opening. The street will reopen at 4 p.m.

Marketplace events begin at 9:30 a.m. with the Lawrence CountyAnimal Rescue League’s Paws on Parade Dog Show at Coopers FerryPark. Awards will be presented for best costume, most handsomemale, prettiest female, most like owner, best trick and judge’sfavorite.

Competitors can register at the park beginning at 9:15 a.m. orpreregister at the LCARL’s shelter or bargain store during theweek.

The Monticello United Methodist Church has also expanded itsannual photos with Santa to include pets this year, McElroy said.Benefits from the photo sales will benefit the American CancerSociety Relay for Life team.

Monticello Marketplace officially opens at 10 a.m. with vendorsalong Broad Street selling a variety of wares, including ironworks, yard art, jewelry, antique’s, children’s clothing, quilts,candles, Christmas decorations, knives, carpentry, arts and craftsand many others.

“I think this will be the most vendors we’ve ever had,” McElroysaid. “We scheduled it early this year to beat the other Christmasevents and provide an opportunity for people to shop here locallyfirst as they get a head start on their Christmas.”

The Family Fun Zone will also open at 10 a.m. in its usuallocation near Monticello UMC and free live music will be availableall day at the stage.