Holiday food pantry deadline near
Published 6:00 am Monday, December 17, 2007
The DAILY LEADER and the Bank of Brookhaven’s annual holidayfood pantry drive is nearing an end for its 2007 effort.
The purpose of the drive is to collect money donations to helpthree local charities stock their food pantries this holidayseason. After Monday’s deadline, all the donations will go to theBank of Brookhaven where they will be tallied and equallydistributed among Brookhaven Outreach Ministries, St. Francis ofAssisi/St. Vincent DePaul, and Union Hall Baptist Church.
Brookhaven Outreach Ministries has been helping people in needsince 1988. The Food Bank is only one of the many ways BrookhavenOutreach Ministries helps the needy.
“It helps us out tremendously,” said The Rev. Jerry Durr,president of Brookhaven Outreach Ministries, about the drive.”October, November and December are some of our busiestmonths.”
The Brookhaven Outreach Ministries Food Bank distributes “quitea bit of food,” Durr said.
In October, the food bank assisted 575 families and in November359 families came for help. Durr said the holiday season is “awhole lot busier.”
Durr, a minister for 27 years, also pointed out the food pantrydrive, “helps replenish our food pantry tremendously.”
The Food Bank functions from 1 until 3 p.m. on Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays. Those in need can come by and fill out aform.
Durr said just about everyone who applies receives assistancefrom the Food Bank. Brookhaven Outreach Ministries Food Bank is notonly providing assistance to those in need, it also provides anopportunity to demonstrate God’s love.
“That is one of the commissions God has given us,” Durr said.”We are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give drink tothose who are thirsty and just minister God’s love, and these areexpressions of His love. It is such a blessing to be able tocontribute and minister to those in our community.”
Durr expressed gratitude toward those who assist BrookhavenOutreach Ministries.
“We appreciate The DAILY LEADER and the Bank of Brookhaven andour supporters that come in, distribute and help us meet the needsof the people in need in our community,” he said. “We just thankGod for each one of them and ask them to continue their supportbecause the community really needs it.”
Individuals and businesses that donate will be recognized dailyin The DAILY LEADER. Donations may be made in memory or in honor ofa loved one, and anonymous donations are welcome.
Checks may be made out to the Holiday Food Pantry and can betaken to The DAILY LEADER at 128 North Railroad Ave., or the Bankof Brookhaven, at 411 Brookway Blvd.