Let’s remember Jesus as we celebrate season’s great joy
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, December 26, 2007
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bringyou good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people – Luke2:10 KJV
As people around the world prepare to celebrate ChristmasTuesday, we can look forward with great joy as we reflect on theangel’s words to shepherds so long ago.
Although we may feel besieged by personal troubles or thosein a more national or worldly sense, Christmas is nevertheless atime for celebration with family and friends and a chance toremember the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. There is no reasonfor fear because our hope for the future rests in Him and thesalvation He offers freely to all who would believe.
As Americans, we must remember that one of our greatestblessings is being born in a country where we are free to gatherwith family and friends and to observe – each in our own ways – theholiday season.
And in the midst of our celebrations, we should take amoment to remember and be thankful for members of our armed forceswho are stationed in trouble spots around the world. Many of themare spending the holidays away from their families in order tospread freedom to other parts of the world and to protect thefreedoms we enjoy here at home.
Thanks to the sound-bite society in which now live, “Jesusis the reason for the season” may be a phrase that has become alittle well-worn in recent years.
There is, however, no doubt that a great amount of truthremains in the Christmas time saying. Let’s all remember that as wecelebrate our great joy this year.
Merry Christmas!