Ross touts values for Senate race
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 7, 2008
Charlie Ross said he has a promise for voters in Lincoln Countyas he travels the state campaigning for Mississippi’s ThirdCongressional District Seat, recently vacated by ChipPickering.
“I want people to know I won’t just be here in south Mississippioften during the campaign, but I will be here often moreimportantly during my tenure in Congress,” he said.
Ross, an 11-year Mississippi Senate veteran who saysconservative values are not only important to the state, but alsoto the country, summed his platform up in one sentence.
“Mississippi needs a congressman who has a proven record ofgetting conservative things done, and who can hit the groundrunning in Washington,” he said.
Ross, who has served in the United States Air Force as a fighterpilot, said his military service and and his service in the stateSenate have a common theme: giving back.
“We live in a great country, and it’s our obligation to giveback to it,” he said. “Different people are able to give back indifferent ways, and I feel my way is not about me, but about givingback in the legislative arena.”
Ross, who is known for his Castle Doctrine, which he saysprotects the rights of Mississippians to defend their homes andfamilies from intruders, also takes a tough conservative stand onabortion.
“I feel very strongly on pro-life issues,” he said. “Protectingour unborn is very important, and if you check my record you’ll seeI have a 100 percent consistent record in voting on pro-lifeissues.”
In 2007, Ross was recognized as Legislator of the Year by theAmerican Legislative Exchange Council, and awarded the LegislativeAchievement Award by the United States Chamber of Commerce. Theideas which are the cornerstones of Ross’ platform are simple andconservative, Ross said.
“First of all I believe in a strong national defense,” he said.”The best way to avoid or win a war is a strong military.Mississippi has a long, proud tradition of contributing to thedefense of the country, and I’ve taken a strong stand on protectingthe military institutions here in Mississippi.”
He said the second thing he bases his campaign on isconservative spending.
“I believe in living within your means,” he said. “There aremany good programs out there, but you can’t spend money on them allif you don’t know where it’s going to come from.”
Thirdly, he said, business needs to flourish, with a specialemphasis on transportation and infrastructure.
“The best anti-poverty defense is a good job,” he said.
Education is also important, Ross said, and not only inelementary and high school classrooms.
“I believe more emphasis needs to be put on workforce trainingthrough community colleges to make sure people are equipped for notonly jobs, but good jobs,” he said.
And Ross pointed out that while looking to the future isdesperately important to the future of the state, a congressmanwith a proven track record is just as important in the now.
“Our objective should be someone who would be a good congressman20 years from now,” he said. “We need someone who will beproductive right away.”
Looking ahead to the 2008 presidential race, Ross’ advice wassimple and to the point.
“Vote Republican,” he said with a smile.