C.P. Clark

Published 6:00 am Monday, January 28, 2008

Services for C.P. Clark, of Jayess, were 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan.26, at Wilson Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Providence BaptistChurch Cemetery in Jayess.

Mr. Clark, 78, died Jan. 24, 2008, at his residence. He was bornin Mississippi on Feb. 13, 1929, to Ralph Clark and Nettie RobertsClark.

He was a retired mechanic. He was a member of Providence BaptistChurch and had served in the U.S. Army.

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Preceding him in death were his parents; one daughter; onegrandchild; and four brothers.

Survivors are his wife, Elner Earl Boyd Clark; his sons, CharlesPatrick Clark, Jerry Wayne Clark, and Terry Edris Clark, all ofJayess; his daughter, Mary Theresa Payne, of Jayess; his brothers,James Clark and Hugh Clark, both of Ruth; his sisters, RubyBrister, of Tylertown, Roda Boyd, of Ruth, and Ondean Wilk, ofWashington, D.C.; nine grandchildren; and sevengreat-grandchildren.