City rings in celebration Wed.

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The city’s 150th Year Celebration Steering Committee isreminding people that the sesquicentennial kickoff is right aroundthe corner, and it’s a chance for everyone to participate.

Steering Committee Chairman Rita Rich said Wednesday’s informalkickoff is an opportunity for everyone to say they got to help ringin Brookhaven’s biggest birthday so far. Residents have beenadvised to honk car horns, ring bells and run sirens for 10-15seconds at the stroke of 2 p.m. Wednesday.

“We’re delighted that we’re able to do this, also that we’reoffering an activity that everyone can participate in,” she said.”Even if you’re not out and about, you can just wait until 2o’clock and open the door and bang on a pan.”

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Fire trucks will be at some of the schools to run their sirensfor the alotted 10 seconds, and balloons will be released at theschools as well. Steering committee members will also be on hand ateach of the area schools.

“The principals have been very cooperative, and willing to doanything we want them to,” Rich said. “We want the children to beinvolved, because it’s a good beginning for them to learn toappreciate their history and what is taking place.”

Steering Committee Tammie Brewer said the balloons will includea special message with a colored dot on them to indicate whichschool let the balloon fly. On the back of the message will be theBrookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce’s phone number, witha request for people who find them to call and let them know.

“The chamber is going to keep a list of where the calls comefrom, and from the colored dots, they can tell the schools they hadX amount of callers,” Brewer said.

Rich said balloons will also be released from the retail centerthat includes Brookhaven Music on Highway 51. She encouraged allother businesses to get involved if possible.

“Just make noise for 10 seconds or less, because that’s bad onthe ears with lots going on,” she said. “And if you don’t knowexactly when 2 is, when you hear the other sirens or horns, justjoin in.”

Other events are taking place around the community as well, suchas the David Bonson exhibit at the Lincoln County Public Library.Brewer said the exhibit will be on display for the next fewmonths.

“He has some Brookhaven memorabilia in honor of thesesquicentennial, some items from the old Coffee Pot Restaurant andfrom the old Inez Hotel,” Brewer said.

Rich said the celebration is multi-purpose. People are meant toenjoy it, but they are also meant to learn more about the area’shistory.

“Enjoy it, and know that 150 years ago there wasn’t much here atthat point,” she said. “Think how far we’ve come and the progressthat’s been made. I can’t even begin to think about the fact thatthere used to only be woods here, a settlement of sorts.”

The official kickoff for the 150-year celebration will be at thechamber’s quarterly membership meeting in February.