Alderman Allen resigns
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Ward Six Alderman Buddy Allen submitted his letter ofresignation Tuesday night, saying medical reasons will not allowhim to finish out his term on the city board.
Mayor Bob Massengill read a letter from Allen to the board,informing them his resignation would go into effect April 15.
“Ward Six has been good to me,” Allen wrote, while alsoinstructing the board to, “Please remember poor people have rights,too.”
Massengill said Allen had been an important asset to the boardduring his years of service.
“Buddy served the city well for a number of years, and we’re alldistressed about the physical ailments he’s suffering,” said themayor. “We certainly wish he and (Allen’s wife) Diane thebest.”
Massengill said the board would go on the record as receivingthe letter Tuesday night.
City Clerk Mike Jinks said the board has until 10 days afterAllen’s resignation on April 15 to announce the vacancy, at whichpoint they will usually set a special election date to fill thespot.
“That can be anywhere between 30-45 days after the vacancy hasbeen declared,” Jinks said.
After being elected in a special election in July of 1995, Allenwas in his third term as Ward Six’s representative on theboard.
In other ward-related activities, aldermen took great painsTuesday night to make each other aware of their drainage woes afterMonday night’s deluge.
Massengill assured them that the problem would be addressed. Hesaid he had contacted Jeff Knight of Williford, Gearhart &Knight about how to deal with the issues caused by the rain.
“It was just more water than we could handle,” Massengill said.”I’ve contacted Jeff Knight and asked for someone in their firm toexplore our ditch work and begin working on solutions.
“I don’t think there’s any community that is equipped to handlefive inches of rain in two hours.”
Massengill asked aldermen to submit a list of the locations ofthe ditches that are giving them the most trouble and he would havethem checked into as soon as reasonably possible.