BC weightlifters in State Meet in Jackson Saturday
Published 5:00 am Thursday, April 3, 2008
BOGUE CHITTO — The Bogue Chitto powerlifting team capturedsecond place at the 1A South State Powerlifting Meet haled atPisgah.
Winning first place for Bogue Chitto were Colton McClendon, 132pounds; Josh Wallace, 230 pounds; Cameron Buitt, 308 pounds andBubba Bigner, super heavyweight.
Second place finishers include Jonathan Slater, 123 pounds andDonyea Dillon, 148 pounds.
Austin Jones finished with 181 pounds and Luther Watts as asuper heavyweight in a third-place finish.
Each lifter advances to the State Meet to be held in theMississippi Coliseum in Jackson on Saturday, April 5.