Technology helping campus security
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 7, 2008
The Copiah-Lincoln Community College Board of Trustees got alesson in technology and security cameras for the college districtThursday afternoon during their monthly board meeting.
Director of Technology J.P. McInnis told the board that thesecurity system is currently being installed on the Simpson campus,and that there are already around 30 cameras at the Natchez Campusas well. Wesson’s campus has had the electronic surveillance for afew years now, he said.
McInnis said the college is working toward improvements in theirsecurity camera systems district-wide, and that those beinginstalled on the Simpson County campus are on the cutting edge.
“These things are like a head on a stick,” he said. “They decideon where the motion is, and it can send you an e-mail to tell youwhat it saw. It can also call security.”
He said the system also has microphones that work as intercoms,so that two-way conversations can be held with people in thecamera’s viewing area.
The new cameras are three megapixels, which McInnis said isextremely high resolution for security cameras. In addition, hesaid, a high-resolution day and night lens is being added near theentrance at the Simpson Center that will be clear enough to readlicense plates.
College President Dr. Howell Garner said the security systemsare a great investment for the campuses, not only because ofprotection against situations such as shootings at Virginia Techlast year, but also more common domestic situations.
“The system at Wesson has saved us enough in terms of problemswe might have had, such as graffiti in places it shouldn’t be andsuch, that it has paid for itself,” he said. “It’s a real deterrentto problems on campus because they know the system is there, butthey don’t know where it is.”
Garner and McInnis also told the board that an automaticnotification system is in the works, so that in case there is anemergency situation on campus, the system will send e-mails, textmessages and pages to students and faculty on the campuses.
“You can’t be too careful these days,” said Garner. “And we’revery happy and proud of our progress in this area.”
The board also approved previously discussed personnel changessuggested by incoming College President Dr. Ronald Nettles Thursdayafternoon.
Based on Nettles’ suggestions, the titles of Simpson CountyCenter Dean John Dickerson and Natchez Campus Dean Teresa Harrisonhave now been changed to Vice President rather than Dean.
Also implemented was a change of title for Academic Dean ofInstruction Dr. Jane Hulon, who will now be listed as VicePresident of Instructional Services. Among her duties aredistrict-wide supervision of the academic instructional program,all career and technical programs, and the distance-learningprogram, as well as supervision of the library at the Wessoncampus.
The last title change addressed on Thursday is that of Directorof Admissions and Records Dr. Phil Broome to the title of Dean ofAdministrative Services. Among his duties will be the departmentsof admissions and records, the technology department, informationsystems, research and planning and human resources.
All four positions would report directly to the collegepresident.