Worshipful gather to seek God’s guidance

Published 5:00 am Friday, May 2, 2008

Thursday’s National Day of Prayer united people in prayer forthe United States and its national, state, and local leaders.

Brookhaven and Lincoln County residents were no different ascommunity members gathered at the Government Complex to petitionGod for strength for “the seven centers of power in our nation,”which were government, the military, the media, business,education, church and the family.

After First Baptist Church’s the Rev. Greg Warnock welcomed thecrowd, which gathered in the area outside the front doors, the Rev.Thomas Walker offered up a prayer for government, asking God tohelp the world in a trying time of uncertainty.

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“Bind our hearts together and let us be of one accord, so thatwe might not only have faith in faith, but that we may look toGod,” he said.

Montgomery Baptist pastor Mike McKey prayed next for themilitary, giving thanks for the men and women who have volunteeredtheir lives in service for the country.

“Thank you for the more than 4,000 who have given the ultimatesacrifice,” he said. “So that we can stand here and pray todaywithout fear of reproach or reprisal.”

Faith Presbyterian Pastor Rob Oates offered the prayer for themedia, saying that while there are a few positive forces left inthe media today, there are also evil vile, and destructivethings.

“We pray for Christians who are engaged in the media,” he said.”Empower, strengthen, and equip them to do your work.”

Entergy Customer Accounts Manager Kenny Goza prayed for thebusinesses of the Brookhaven community, and that God would continueto be visible in the everyday workings in the area.

“Wherever we are that we represent you, let us be a communitycommitted to being a faith-based community,” he said.

The prayer for education came from the Rev. Wayne Webster, whooffered up the teachers of the community, asking the Lord toinstill in them what needs to be taught to and learned by theirstudents.

“We give you thanks for the great teacher, Jesus, who gave usthe power not only to teach but to become the substance of truth,”he said.

Newly retired Lincoln County Baptist Association PresidentTalmadge Smith prayed that God would build the local body ofbelievers, and help them to do the will of Christ. He prayed forthe churches, but also the pastors that lead them, asking for helpwith stress and anxiety.

He also asked that God would help His people persevere whentimes get tough.

“One day soon you’re going to return, so while we’re here may webe found faithful to the end,” he said.

Finally, the Rev. Jerry Durr of Brookhaven Outreach Ministriestold the crowd that the fabric of society is decaying, and alongwith it the family unit.

“We can no longer silently stand by as our children and ourcommunity wallow in the mire of spiritual ignorance,” he said.

Durr also prayed that God would allow the family unit to growstrong in the latter days.

“Whether we’re in the mountaintop experiences or the valleyplaces or even the desert places, let us continue to turn to you inour times of trouble,” he said.

Maxine Dillon reminded the crowd before singing that God willmove, but faith is needed in a world that is so in need ofprayer.

“As they pray and as we listen, we’ve got to trust God to dowhat we’re asking him to do,” she said.