Obituaries for Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 20, 2008

John Burke Cooney

John Burke Cooney, age 87, of Birmingham, Ala., passed awaySunday, May 18, 2008. Preceding him in death were his cherishedwife of 57 years, Patricia Kenney Cooney; his parents, Mary Rockand Michael Cooney; and his infant grandson, Max Rafield.

John (Papa) is survived by one brother, Mickey Cooney Jr.; sevenchildren and 19 grandchildren: John and Lizbeth Cooney, ofBirmingham, their children, John Burke, Patrick Stewart andVirginia; Gary Cooney, of Birmingham; and his children, Michael,William, and Bonnie Cooney Pounds; Nancy Cooney Barnacastle, ofBirmingham, and her children, Ryan, Daniel and John Riley; Peggyand Conrad Rafield, of Birmingham, and their children, Grant, MaryCarleton and Logan; Mary Jane and Billy Williams, of Birmingham,and their children, Tricia and Caroline; Kelly and Maureen Cooney,of Brookhaven, and their son, Kelly Jr.; Jobay and Barbara Cooney,of Birmingham, and their children, Harrison, Barbara Banks, ThomasBurke and Abbigail. He is also survived by special relativesFrankie Kenney, George Zanthos and Say Tee.

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John was a devout Roman Catholic and a man of God. He was amember of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church for more than 50years, and a committed adorer of perpetual adoration in the Chapelof our Savior. He was also a charter member of the Father James E.Coyle division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. His prayerfullife and dedication to his wife serves as an inspiration to hisfamily and friends. He is with his Lord and reunited with his wifein God’s glorious heaven.

John was a sergeant in the United States Army Air Force duringWorld War II in charge of Special Services in the China, Burma andIndia Theater. For his exemplary service during World War II, hewas awarded the Pacific Theater of Operations Ribbon with threebattle stars and the Presidential Unit Citation. Following hismilitary service, he began an illustrious career in the insuranceindustry, which included being the founder of several insurancecompanies. He was president and CEO of Stonewall Insurance Company,Dixie Auto and Atlanta Casualty Insurance Company. He was afounding board member of Gulf Life Holding Company, and boardmember of holding companies controlling Interstate Life, Gulf Life,American Life, National Car Rental, Braniff Airlines, LTV, andFirst Western Bank of Los Angeles, Calif.

An avid sportsman, John was an outstanding golfer and baseballplayer. His love for the game of golf began as a caddy for DwightD. Eisenhower at the age of 13. As an amateur golfer, John had 14holes-in-one, two double eagles, and shot his age in golf moretimes than he could remember. He was a member of Country Club ofBirmingham and a member of the “Rollers.” John’s professionalbaseball career included playing shortstop for the Boston Braves,Cincinnati Reds and the Chicago Cubs baseball organizations.

Visitation will be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2008, at Our Lady ofSorrows Catholic Church from 5:30 until 7 p.m. Rosary to follow.Funeral Mass will be Wednesday, May 21, at 10 a.m. at the church.Graveside services to follow at Elmwood Cemetery. Rideout’s ValleyChapel in Birmingham will officiate.

In lieu of flowers, memorials can be sent to Our Lady of SorrowsSchool Foundation, 1728 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, AL 35209, or UnitedCerebral Palsy Children’s Program, 120 Oslo Circle, Birmingham, AL35211, or your favorite charity.

Eva Smith Davis

Services for Eva Smith Davis, 75, will be held at 11 a.m. onWednesday, May 21, at Riverwood Family Funeral Service Chapel withburial in Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery in Brookhaven.

Visitation is Tuesday from 5 until 9 p.m. at the funeralhome.

She died May 19, 2008, at her residence in Pride, La. She wasborn on Aug. 18, 1932, to Joe B. Smith and Eunice Porter Smith.

She was a homemaker and a member of the Baptist faith.

Preceding her in death were her parents; her brothers, LeonSmith, Marvin Smith, Oscar O. Smith, Dan Paul Smith; and twonephews, Brian Smith and H.L. Smith.

Survivors are her sisters, Lucille Smith and husband Ray, andSarah Freeman and husband Solon, all of Brookhaven; her nephews,Mike Smith, Solon Ray Freeman, Fred Wayne Smith, Gary Smith, RogerDale Smith, Oscar O. Smith Jr., and Teddy Smith; her nieces, JaniceJoe Richard, Dana Roberts, Deanna Blackledage, Linda Munn,Christine Cline, Debra Bozeman, Sherry Smith and Jeannie Duplessis;her sister-in-law, Barbara Smith, of Brookhaven; a special friend,Mary Theard; and a host of great-nieces and great-nephews.

Ann Fugler

Services for Ann Fugler, of Brookhaven, were held at 11 a.m. onTuesday, May 20, at Fair River Baptist Church in Brookhaven withburial in the church cemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home on NatchezDrive was in charge of arrangements.

Visitation was Monday evening at the funeral home and on Tuesdayfrom 10 a.m. until the time of the service at the church.

Mrs. Fugler, 69, died May 17, 2008, at Mississippi BaptistMedical Center in Jackson. She was born in Lincoln County on Sept.10, 1938, to Jeffie Oscar Smith and Bessie Case Smith.

She was retired from the Mississippi Employment Commission aftermore than 25 years of service. She was a member of Fair RiverBaptist Church. She was a former Sunday school teacher and churchpianist. She attended Loyd Star High School and graduated fromBrookhaven High School, where she was homecoming queen. Sheattended Mississippi Southern College.

Preceding her in death were her father, and her brother, ReggieKent Smith.

She was the wife of Robert Fugler.

Survivors are her mother, Bessie Case Smith, of Brookhaven; hersons, Bobby Fugler, of Brookhaven, and Brian Fugler, of Madison;her sister and brother-in-law, Gay and Donald Smith, of Brookhaven;her sister-in-law, Charlotte Smith, of Bossier City, La.; herspecial friend, Catherine Day, of Brookhaven; and a host of nieces,nephews and other relatives.

Pallbearers are Jeff Smith, Jeffie Smith, Mitchell Smith, SteveBowman, Les Smith and Ronnie Day.

Honorary pallbearers are Jerry Nations, Dale Foster, WesleyWhite, Richard Douglas, F.D. Moore, Bobby Thornhill and DonaldLewis.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Fair RiverCemetery Fund or the the Fair River Building Fund, 3698 Fair RiverDrive NE, Brookhaven, MS 39601.

Robert Fugler

Services for Robert Fugler, of Brookhaven, were held at 11 a.m.on Tuesday, May 20, at Fair River Baptist Church in Brookhaven withburial in the church cemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home on NatchezDrive was in charge of arrangements.

Visitation was on Monday evening at the funeral home, and onTuesday from 10 a.m. until the time of the service at thechurch.

Mr. Fugler, 72, died May 16, 2008, at the University ofMississippi Medical Center in Jackson. He was born in LincolnCounty on Jan. 18, 1936, to Henry Fugler and Dillie Jane McGuffeeFugler.

He was retired from Georgia-Pacific with more than 27 years ofservice. He was a graduate of Fair Oak Springs High School andattended Copiah-Lincoln Junior College. He was a member of FairRiver Baptist Church, where he was chairman of the cemeterycommittee and the landscaping and grounds committee. He was aveteran of the United States Army. He was a member of the FairRiver Masonic Lodge and was a Wahabi Temple Shriner.

Preceding him in death were his parents; and his siblings,Aileen Nations, Lavon Lofton, Edwina Fugler, James Fugler, LouiseFoster and Reba Nell Welch.

He was the husband of Ann Smith Fugler.

Survivors are his sons, Bobby Fugler, of Brookhaven, and BrianFugler, of Madison; a special friend, Dale Foster, of Brookhaven;and a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives.

Pallbearers are Harry Foster, Terrell Foster, Mike Durr, WillJordan, Jay Nations and Mike Thornhill.

Honorary pallbearers are are Jerry Nations, Dale Foster, WesleyWhite, Richard Douglas, F.D. Moore, Bobby Thornhill and DonaldLewis.

In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Fair RiverCemetery Fund or the the Fair River Building Fund, 3698 Fair RiverDrive NE, Brookhaven, MS 39601.

Daniel Austin ‘Danny’ Tutor

Services for Daniel Austin “Danny” Tutor, of Eddiceton, will beheld at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 21, at Meadville Baptist Churchwith burial in Midway Cemetery in Meadville. Franklin Funeral Homein Meadville is in charge of arrangements.

Visitation is Tuesday from 5 until 9 p.m. at the funeral home,and on Wednesday at the church from 9 a.m. until the time of theservice.

Mr. Tutor, 50, died May 18, 2008, at St. Dominic-JacksonMemorial Hospital in Jackson. He was born in Nashville, Tenn., onJuly 17, 1957, to Billy G. Tutor and Alice Capwell Tutor.

He was police chief for the town of Meadville. He was a memberof Meadville Baptist Church.

Preceding him in death were his parents.

Survivors are his wife, Karen Lazarus Tutor, of Eddiceton; hissons, Kyle Tutor and Ryne Tutor, both of Eddiceton; his brothers,Randy Tutor and wife Amanda, of Pontotoc; his sisters, AngelaBarnette and husband David, of Vardaman, and Becky Gregg, ofCalhoun City; his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Lazarus, of Meadville;and his 11 nieces and nephews.