$27.5M budget gets school board OK
Published 5:00 am Thursday, June 26, 2008
Brookhaven Schools Superintendent Lea Barrett said the budgetfor the upcoming school year is $775,000 more than that of lastyear, with $573,356 of that total coming from the MississippiAdequate Education Program.
The majority of the MAEP allocation – $388,000 – is from anincrease in the district’s student population. Barrett praised theefforts of the principals and parents for keeping attendance up,thus allowing the district more money through MAEP.
“That money is based on average daily attendance,” she said. “Soour principals and parents are to be commended for that.”
Barrett told the board that a portion of the budget will go topersonnel and hiring for several new spots that will be open forthe new school year, with around $368,000 to step up salaries forteachers. The fuel budget, she said, had to be increased about 30percent to around $235,000 in the wake of the rising gasprices.
The budget is strong, especially with full MAEP funding, Barrettsaid. And there’s good news in that sports will receive a largerportion of the budget than the department has in the past, shesaid.
“The best part is after all is said and done, we have a largerpart of the budget allocated to the sports services, and in that wecan be pleased,” she said.