Charles B. Floyd
Published 5:00 am Thursday, June 26, 2008
Services for Charles B. Floyd, of Brookhaven, were 2 p.m.Wednesday, June 25, at Solid Rock Pentecostal Church in Brookhavenwith burial in Pleasant Ridge Pentecostal Cemetery. BrookhavenFuneral Home on Natchez Drive was in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Floyd, 71, died June 23, 2008, at his residence. He was bornin Lincoln County on April 18, 1937, to Samuel M. Floyd and JohnniePearl Ables Floyd.
He was a retired oil field worker and served in the MississippiArmy National Guard. He was a member of Solid Rock PentecostalChurch.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his wife, Joyce ElaineBritt Floyd; his daughter, Tammy Floyd; his grandson Tyler Church;and his great-grandchildren, Micha Layne Womack and Matthan WyattWomack.
Survivors are his sons, Charles Byron Floyd Jr. and wife, Paige,of Brookhaven, Scott Hudson and wife, Jolie, of Brookhaven; hisdaughters, Charla Granger and husband, Bill, of Magnolia, DeniseAvery and husband, Stephen, of Mt. Hermon, La., and Belissa Church,of North Dakota; his brother, his sisters and a host ofgrandchildren and great-grandchildren.