Sheriff expected to be released from hospital

Published 5:00 am Friday, June 27, 2008

After a week at University of Mississippi Medical Center,Lawrence County Sheriff Joel Thames may be on his way homeFriday.

Thames collapsed last Thursday morning when his airwayapparently swelled to the point of closing. Doctors at UMCconducted tests and scans, but Thames’ colleagues said so farreports show nothing out of the ordinary.

“There’s no answer yet to why it happened, though they’ve comeup with different scenarios as to why it could have happened. Butthere are no answers yet,” said Office Deputy Sandra Wallace. “Theysay everything looks good now, but that it could have been justdryness or irritation that caused the swelling, or just phlegm thatcame down to clog his throat while he was sleeping.”

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Wallace said Thames will be sent home with a tube in his throat,but that doctors say it could be permanent. Doctors are instructinghim on how to care for the tube, which keeps his airway open.

“They call it temporary, but my understanding is that it couldbe temporary or permanent,” she said. “As long as you keep it in itoperates as a trache.”

The sheriff is in good spirits, though, Wallace said. She saidhis family and friends are encouraged by the return of his naturalplayful nature.

“We saw him last night, and it’s amazing to think that just aweek ago he was at such a low point and we didn’t know if he wasgoing to be here or not,” she said. “But his attitude isgreat.”

Meanwhile, Wallace said, the attitude at the office mirrors thatof their sheriff.

“Just to see him doing so well is a relief, and to hear thosegood reports,” she said. “That’s why we’re here: To hold ittogether when he’s not.”