Woman charged in post-Gustav home incident

Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 18, 2008

A local woman was arrested late last week on charges of burglaryof a dwelling after being found inside another Lincoln Countyresident’s home during the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav.

Misty Martin, 31, of 1339 Lucky Lane, is being held in theLincoln County Jail pending her initial court date Tuesday oncharges of burglary of a dwelling. Her bond has not been set.

Martin is suspected in at least two suspicious incidents and isbeing eyed for other possible cases after officials said a womanwent to check on her daughter’s house during the fallout of therecent storms. When the woman pulled up at the home, they said, shenoticed a suspicious vehicle and waited for Martin to come out.

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“She was parked under the carport, and she was inside thehouse,” Lincoln County Chief Deputy Johnny Hall said. “Theresident’s mother came over and seeing her vehicle there, waitedoutside for 15 minutes for her to come out of the home.”

Citing witness accounts, Hall said when Martin came out of thehouse, she said she had been looking for a lost dog. He said shehad also packed some things from inside the home into a laundrybasket, but did not leave the residence with it.

The alleged home invasion was not the only crime for whichMartin is a suspect, Hall said.

“We also found her with a box of jewelry and old coins that werestolen from a relative,” Hall said. “She had been cleaning theirhouse.”

Hall said other charges could be pending as Martin is also asuspect in other crimes that are currently under investigation.