Economy top election issue
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 4, 2008
New Sight poll worker Eloise Walker said when a newlynaturalized citizen voted for the first time ever early Tuesdaymorning at the New Sight Volunteer Fire Department, it was a bigdeal to everyone there.
“We cheered for her,” said fellow poll worker Babs Norwood.
But that is not the only first taking place at the pollsTuesday.
Voters have turned out in large numbers across Lincoln County toelect the next president and several other federal, state and localoffice-holders. However the top election on the ballot turns out,the country will have either its first black president or its firstfemale vice-president.
But voters say the issue is not about race or gender. ManyLincoln County voters are looking at the economy as the decidingfactor at the polls.
“The economy and the war are the biggest things in thiselection,” said Lincoln County resident Homer Brewer. “That and thefact that if the Democrats take control, this becomes a one-partysystem instead of us having checks and balances.”
Belma Cager, 23, agreed that the economy is his majorconsideration in choosing a candidate.
“We’re in a bad way right now, and it’s hurting a lot ofpeople,” he said. “A lot of people are getting laid off, losingtheir homes, it’s hard to get loans … This election is going toaffect a lot of people.”
The Rev. John W. Jenkins said his vote will be cast, whether innational, state or local elections, based on leadership.
“I feel like leadership is the most important issue because itstarts at the top. If you don’t have a good president, others won’tfollow suit,” he said. “I feel like we haven’t had any leadershipover the last eight years.”
And the mantra of change and new direction chanted by bothparties has weighed heavy in the mind of a lot of voters.
Robert Robinson said the need for a new regime has been foremostin his mind as he has chosen his candidate. But ultimately theeconomy is still a deciding factor.
“It’s gotten bad,” he said. “I’m a vegetable farmer and whenthere’s no money to spare in the economy, it trickles down to me.This economy hurts everyone.”