Ducks Unlimited event Tuesday

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ducks Unlimited officials say Tuesday night is the time to shopfor that special outdoorsman on your Christmas list at the annualLincoln/Lawrence County Ducks Unlimited banquet.

“It’s a great place to get a Christmas gift for an outdoorsman,and it’s the best thing happening Nov. 18 in Brookhaven,” said DUpresident Bert Carollo. “It’s all for a good cause, and it’ssomething you can come and enjoy with your family. Plus, themoney’s going to a good cause, and you can use it as adonation.”

The event takes place Tuesday at 6 p.m., with a live and silentauction and lots of door prizes, said DU spokesperson Joseph Durr.Proceeds will go to Ducks Unlimited, which works to save wetlandsand other natural habitats for ducks.

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Among the items auctioned off will be guns for hunting, DUprints, knives and other hunting equipment. Plus, Durr said, somevendors will be on hand with products for banquet attendees tobrowse.

Organizers said there will be something for everyone to enjoyamong the merchandise.

“There’s something there for everybody,” Carollo said. “Therewill be a lot of children’s items as well. There’s going to be alittle bit of everything.”

Carollo said professional auctioneer Kendall Covington will callthe live auction, which he said will make the event even moreenjoyable for those in attendance.

“It’s hilarious when he gets to going with his auction. He hasthe most fun with people that are bidding,” Carollo said.

Doors at the multipurpose building open at 6 p.m. Tuesday, andthe auction starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $45 for an individual, $65for a couple.

Sponsorships are also still available, Carollo said, andsponsors receive prizes such as guns and other DU merchandise.Tickets and sponsorship information are available by callingCarollo at (601) 754-8000 or Durr at (601) 695-0606.