City school board remembers Holloway

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Brookhaven School Board member Carl Holloway, who died earlyTuesday morning, was remembered as a “true friend” by fellow boardmembers during last night’s city school board meeting.

“Mr. Holloway was an educational friend and public servant ofthis school district who held educational excellence in highregard,” said Stan Patrick, board vice-president while reading froma statement.

Patrick said Holloway, who was the current president of the board,had many times expressed his objective to make sure that everystudent received an excellent education.

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“He did all he could to make his objective a reality,” Patricksaid.

The board expressed condolences to Holloway’s wife Johnette and hisfamily. Holloway was 73.

“He helped establish a standard of excellence that will serve thiscommunity for many years to come,” Patrick said. “The board isgreatly appreciative for all his efforts and is deeply saddenedwith his passing.”

Holloway’s term on the board was to end in March. He was one ofthree board members appointed by the city board of aldermen.

After Tuesday’s meeting, Superintendent Lea Barrett said sheexpected aldermen would name a replacement for the remainder of theterm and then for the new term starting next year.

At Tuesday’s aldermen meeting, city officials briefly discussed theschool board situation, mentioning Willie “Doc” Harrison as apotential successor. However, aldermen took no action sinceHolloway’s funeral services have not been held and the next schoolboard meeting is four weeks away.