Girl Scouts urge city to ‘go green’
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Brookhaven’s Girl Scout Troop 54 encouraged city officials to go”Girl Scout Green” at Tuesday night’s board meeting, giving aPowerPoint presentation on plans and the perks of recycling.
Brookhaven Academy senior Rosemary Moak told the board that 12million barrels of oil are used to make 100 billion plasticshopping bags, and that Americans routinely throw away 44 millionnewspapers a week, just as examples of things the city could focuson recycling.
“Aluminum cans can be recycled indefinitely,” Moak said. “And theenergy saved by recycling one plastic bottle can power a computerfor 25 minutes.”
Moak said the scouts are asking the city to establish recyclingdrop-offs around town for plastic, aluminum cans andnewspapers.
“We all have something in common,” Moak said. “We’re all here toserve, and I can’t think of a better way to help our community andour world than recycling. It would be a great thing if Brookhavenmade those steps, even if they’re baby steps right now.”
Ward Four Alderwoman Shirley Estes asked the girls if they had anyidea if revenue has been generated by recycling entities. Moak saidWal-Mart has a strong recycling plan and has already reduced itswaste that goes to landfills by 40 percent. In addition, she said,she had been told by Wal-Mart officials that they do save money inaddition to cutting down on their waste.
Ward Six Alderman David Phillips said he’d read that Wal-Mart made$28 million last year in their systems by recycling.
“This should make us aware not only of a potential revenue source,but also potential money saved hauling garbage,” he said.
Mayor Bob Massengill said the city would be happy to explore theidea more.
“We’d be glad to find out more about how to do it, and I thinkworking with Girl Scout Troop 54, we can do it,” he said.
In other matters, Massengill said Mike McKenzie of Williford,Gearhart & Knight is working on a plan to prioritize sewer andwater lines that are being put in as the city provides theannexation areas with service as commanded by the court during theannexation trial.
“It’s a longtime project, but you’ve got to start somewhere,” hesaid.
Ward One Alderman Dorsey Cameron said he would like to see prioritygiven to a fire loop in the Brignall areas.
“I know it can’t carry a fire hydrant now because of the size ofthe water lines,” said Cameron.
Massengill said the city has taken estimates on a fire loop in thatarea.
“Hopefully that would be one of the top priorities to this boardbecause it needs to be done,” he said. “We can’t offer waterservices there, but we can offer fire protection.”
The board hopes to meet with McKenzie at the Dec. 2 meeting.
Sewer work at the bridge at Field Lark Lane is also beginning,Massengill said, though the bridge and road plan is in the hands ofstate officials who made adjustments and sent them back. Massengillsaid the project should finally be bid out just after the first ofthe year.
“Work should begin shortly after that,” he said. “And it is hightime.”