VIP event Friday will honor Durr

Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 4, 2008

Friday night will be a chance for Brookhavenites to walk the redcarpet, and for a good cause.

“O” Foundation President Rose Powell said the 2008 VIP Banquetwill be a positive event to boost people’s morale and let themspend time with their friends at the holidays.

“Morale’s just been so down because of the economy,” she said.”This is going to be a gospel setting, and there’ll be a concertwith a live band, and we’re hoping that’ll help get people’sspirits up. We can still thank God that we’re here.”

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The VIP Banquet begins at 7 p.m. Friday, but the red carpetrolls out at 6 p.m. for early party-goers. This year’s VIP is theRev. Jerry Durr of Brookhaven Outreach Ministries, a choice Powellsaid was obvious because of his willingness to help anyone in needthrough his ministry.

“In 2006 my restaurant burned and Reverend Durr sent us someequipment and things to restock with,” she said. “He goes aroundand helps everyone and I admire him for how he helps people.”

Durr, who founded the Outreach Ministries in 1986, was licensedto preach in 1984. At the same time he started a radio ministry. Hepreaches now at the Outreach Ministries Christian FellowshipCenter, which he established in 1994.

Durr said answering God’s call was never a question. God called,and he obeyed.

“The Lord came into my life, and I had always said I wanted tobe able to help people,” he said. “He stirred my heart towardministry, and the Bible says faith works by love, so I’ve tried toimplement that. I found other people had the same vision and we tryto work together to help build up our community.”

Durr follows Mayor Bob Massengill and Police Chief Pap Hendersonas the VIP in the event’s three-year history.

Powell said some of the proceeds from the banquet and receptionwill go to The Haven, Café A+ and the United Way. In addition, shesaid, the “O” Foundation’s project of creating a farming project togenerate jobs for young people will receive some of the funds.

“We want to help them develop strategies and learning techniquesto develop successful life skills,” she said. “We want to teachthem to be planters, pickers, packers and shippers.”

Tickets to the event are available at Polly’s Restaurant or bycalling (601) 643-2929 or (601) 835-2268. More information is alsoavailable online at