Christmas meal special for inmates
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, December 23, 2008
At Christmas time, various groups and organizations go out oftheir way to remember those who will not be with their family onthe holiday, but one group is often overlooked: the residents ofthe Lincoln County Jail.
Many inmates are only in the facility for a matter of days orweeks, and some are in for longer. But whatever the case, the staffof the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department goes out of their way tomake sure the inmates are well fed at Christmas time.
Officials said other than the Christmas meal, there really isn’ta lot for inmates to do to commemorate the season.
Jail Kitchen Supervisor Krysten Butler said while inmates’families are home enjoying Christmas turkey and dressing, pies andcakes and other treats, the folks in the jailhouse are eatingbetter than usual, too.
“Their usual menu isn’t anything exciting, it’s just the basicfood groups during the year. Because of having our own kitchen wecan take advantage of that and prepare what would almost amount toa Christmas dinner you would have with your family at home,” saidButler, adding that budgeting through the year allows for theChristmas meal to be bigger than normal without going overbudget.
Butler said part of the reason it’s possible to make Christmas aspecial day for the inmates, at least from the chow linestandpoint, is that the jail kitchen is not contracted out.
“One of the advantages of having our own kitchen where we cookour own food, while most contract or have someone else come in todo it, is that we can keep our budget low enough during the yearthat during the holiday we can order a few extra things,” she said.”They have dressing and ham or turkey, and other special fixingsthat aren’t on the everyday menu.”
Butler said not only is the meal an out-of-the-ordinary eventfor the inmates who get to eat it, but the trustys who get to fixthe meal as well.
“They enjoy it more because they know it’s the holidays and thisis where they are, too,” she said. “It doesn’t make it all betterthat they’re away from home, but it makes them feel better for alittle while since they can’t be with their families.”
Other area groups and churches will, on occasion, call to see ifthey can bring anything over to make the holidays a little morebearable for the men and women serving time. Butler said one localchurch sent over 150 meals at Thanksgiving, just to give theinmates a taste of home.
Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing said part of the meaning ofChristmas is just remembering those around us.
“I just figure Christmas is a time of year where everyonedeserves a little spot of hope and happiness,” he said. “That’swhat Christmas is about. We figure our inmates should at least havesomething a little different at this special time of year.”