Pappas qualifies for post

Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another candidate has decided to toe the line in the 2009 racefor alderman at large.

Terry Pappas, 44, said his aim if he is elected to the citywideoffice is to continue what he perceives as positive momentum setinto motion by the current administration.

“My project will be Brookhaven,” he said. “Making sure itcontinues to move forward and that there are constant improvementsand upgrades.”

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Pappas and his wife Hollie are known locally for theirinvolvement in community events, and he said calling downtownBrookhaven his home is part of the reason he wants to be involvedin the city’s government.

“I think we have a diamond in the rough here,” he said, addingthat he and his wife do quite a bit of traveling. “We really thinkthis is the best place of any place that we’ve been.”

While he will focus on working for the betterment of the city,Pappas said right now his plan is to listen to the needs of thepeople.

“There are great people here, Brookhaven exists for the people,”he said. “I don’t know if I’ll have any pet projects right atfirst, the main thing is to represent the people and their needs,and I’d love for everyone to feel the same way I do. It’s awonderful city.”

Pappas faces former alderman L. Ralph Smith. Previously, Smith,77, served as Ward Three alderman from 1965-69 and alderman atlarge from 1993-97.

In other qualifying for the 2009 municipal elections,Independent Alderman at Large Les Bumgarner and Democratic Board ofSupervisors President the Rev. Jerry Wilson have qualified in therace for mayor.

City Clerk Mike Jinks and Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Hendersonhave turned in their statements of intent to run for re-election.So far both are unopposed.

In other aldermen races, Ward One so far has seen the qualifyingof incumbent Democrat Dorsey Cameron, who faces Democraticchallenger Elisa Corley. In Ward Two, Democrat Idella Sanders hasqualified, and so far there is no word from incumbent DemocratTerry Bates.

Ward Three has Democratic challenger Roosevelt Collinsqualifying to face up against incumbent Democrat Mary Wilson, whileWard Four’s face is shaping up with incumbent Republican AlderwomanShirley Estes against Democratic challenger David M. Smith.

Ward Five Alderman D.W. Maxwell and Ward Six Alderman DavidPhillips have not yet turned in statements of intent to run fortheir offices again, and there have been no other qualifiers ineither ward.

The qualifying deadline is Friday, March 6, with the primaryelections to take place May 5.

The general elections will be held June 2.