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City elections drawing interest from candidates

Published 6:00 am Monday, January 26, 2009

Less than a month into the qualifying period, several races inBrookhaven’s 2009 municipal elections are beginning to takeshape.

Spurred in part by Les Bumgarner’s decision to run for mayor,three candidates have signed up to seek the alderman at large seathe is vacating with his decision.

Former alderman L. Ralph Smith, a Democrat, was joined in therace by local developer Terry Pappas, a Republican, and KarenSullivan, who has qualified as an independent. The alderman atlarge has garnered the most candidates so far, and more could joinbefore the March 6 qualifying deadline.

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In addition to Bumgarner, the Rev. Jerry L. Wilson, president ofthe Lincoln County Board of Supervisors, is in the race for mayor.Wilson, a Democrat, is the lone party candidate currently whileBumgarner is seeking the office as an independent.

Incumbent City Clerk Mike Jinks and Police Chief Pap Hendersonare the only candidates in other citywide contests.

While all wards have candidates for alderman, some currentoffice holders have yet to state their election intentions.Aldermen Terry Bates, of Ward Two; D.W. Maxwell, of Ward Five; andDavid Phillips, of Ward Six, are incumbents who’ve yet to qualifyfor their current posts or another city office.

Prospective candidates have about six weeks remaining to tosstheir hats into the election ring. Party primaries will take placeMay 5, with the primary winners joined by independent candidates inthe general election on June 2.

Winners of the 2009 elections will help shape the city’s futurefor the next yours. It will be interesting in the coming weeks tosee who else wants to have a hand in charting Brookhaven’sdirection.