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Leader staff wins advertising awards

Published 6:00 am Monday, February 2, 2009

JACKSON – DAILY LEADER staff members captured 23 advertisingawards, including six honors against all newspapers in the state,in the 2008 Better Newspaper Contest Friday at the MississippiPress Association’s Mid-Winter Conference.

For the second year in a row, The DAILY LEADER won first placein the Advertising Excellence category in Daily Division C. Thecategory is for newspapers with circulations under 9,000.

Also for the second consecutive year, the newspaper won theSilver Dollar Idea Award in a competition involving all newspapersin the state. In 2008, the winning idea was for the hard coveredition of The Wooden Spoon Cookbook.

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DAILY LEADER Publisher Bill Jacobs expressed appreciation to thestaff and congratulated them on their success.

“These awards are recognition of the efforts and hard work putforth by the Advertising and Graphics departments and all membersof The DAILY LEADER staff,” Jacobs said. “I also want to thank ouradvertisers for the confidence and trust they place in us and inour efforts to help them publicize the goods and services theyoffer.”

In other competition against all dailies, graphic artist JasonReeves received a first place award in the Best Overall NewspaperPromotion category. The award was for a series of ads celebratingThe DAILY LEADER’s 125-year history.

Also against all dailies, graphic artist Michael Granger andadvertising representative Debbie Keene won first place for BestClassified Display Advertisement. Classified Advertisingrepresentative Carrie Bergeron placed second for Best ClassifiedPage or Section. Graphics Department Manager Jimmie Cain capturedsecond in the Best Niche Publication category. Bergeron and graphicartist Jocelyn Jackson also placed second in the Silver Dollar IdeaAward competition.

In addition to Advertising Excellence, staff members capturessix first place awards in the Daily C category. Those include:

* Best Service Ad, Spot or Process Color – Staff

* Best Service Advertisement, Black and White – Glynna Broxsonand Cain.

* Best Section or Edition Dedicated to Editorial Topic -Staff

* Best Institutional Advertisement, Spot or Process Color -Staff

* Best Series of Ads – Carol Teasley and Grapics Dept. Staff

* Best Political Advertisement, Spot or Process Color – Broxsonand Reeves

Other awards include:

Second Place

* Best Retail Advertisement, Color – Staff

* Best Service Advertisement, Color – Staff

* Best Grocery or Restaurant Advertisement, Color – Lori Carterand Reeves

* Best Auto Advertisement, Color – Keene and Jackson

Third Place

* Best Institutional Advertisement, Black and White -Advertising Manager David Culpepper and Reeves

* Best Auto Advertisement, Black and White – Teasley andJackson

* Best Grocery or Restaurant Advertisement, Color – Carter andReeves

* Best Political Advertisement, Color – Teasley and Reeves

* Best Series of Ads – Keene and Reeves

* Best Theme Page – Staff