MUW grad objects to MSA column

Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dear Editor:

I noted with surprise and displeasure your editorial on thesalvation of the Mississippi School for the Arts in Brookhaven.

I have no enmity for the school, far from it; I hold the arts tobe a valuable part of education, and I applaud the state forcontinuing to support the school and its mission, as well as thatof Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science.

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However, the last line of your editorial ascribes the effort tomove MSA to supporters of Mississippi University for Women, whichis most emphatically not true. The Mississippi University for WomenAlumnae Association did not instigate or take a position on themovement of MSA to Columbus; and to my knowledge, no constituentchapter nor even a casual kaffeeklatch of W supporters did so,either.

While many W supporters certainly watched the debate withinterest, there was certainly no movement among us to force theissue in favor of movement. Indeed, many I have spoken with thoughtthe presence of more high school students on campus in Columbuswould be a detriment to the revitalization of the W.

While I can understand a desire to cast blame, please direct itto the proper target.


Thomas M. Spencer