Friday deadline for candidate qualifying

Published 6:00 am Thursday, March 5, 2009

Political hopefuls looking to qualify for city elected officeshave until 5 p.m. Friday to do so, city officials saidWednesday.

Deputy City Clerk Marsha Fairman said she expects to see a runon the office as Friday wanes because of people who have held theirpapers as long as they could.

“I think there are people who are waiting until the last minutefor some reason,” she said.

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While qualifying papers will be accepted up until 5 p.m., theoffice door will be shut and locked at 5:01 p.m., Fairman said.

“If your qualifying papers are not in the city clerk’s office by5 p.m. sharp, which is the deadline, you are unable to run forpublic office,” she said.

So far, this election season has brought out multiple candidatesfor several alderman posts and there are two official candidatesfor mayor as well.

Fairman confirmed that B.W. Pitts has submitted paperwork to runfor police chief as an independent but does not have the petitionwith 50 signatures finalized yet. Also, Brookhaven police officerSudie Palomarez has submitted paperwork to run for mayor, but wasgiven the wrong form and is filling out the correct one, shesaid.

As soon as Pitts has his signatures in and Palomarez hascompleted the correct form, they will be official candidates,Fairman said.

Meanwhile, all independent candidates have had their petitionsconfirmed by the city and county voter rolls, Fairman said.

“I think we’ll see some activity in the next two days,” Fairmansaid. “It will be interesting. This election has brought out somenew faces in the political arena.”

The party primaries will be held Tuesday, May 5, and the generalelection falls on Tuesday, June 2.

Qualified candidates so far include:

* Mayor: The Rev. Jerry Wilson, D, and Alderman at Large LesBumgarner, I

* City Clerk: Incumbent Mike Jinks, D

* Police Chief: Incumbent Arlustra “Pap” Henderson, D

* Alderman At Large: L. Ralph Smith, D; Terry Pappas, R; andKaren Sullivan, I

* Ward One Alderman: Incumbent Dorsey Cameron and Elisa Corley,both Democrats

* Ward Two Alderman: Incumbent Terry Bates, Vernastine Byrd andIdella Sanders, all Democrats.

* Ward Three Alderman: Incumbent Mary Wilson, D; RooseveltCollins, D, and Brian Moore, R

* Ward Four Alderman: Incumbent Shirley Estes, R; Asem Zeini, R;and David Smith, I

* Ward Five Alderman: Fletcher Grice, R

* Ward Six Alderman: Incumbent David Phillips, I, and RobertKenny, D.