Grace Ann Brown Green

Published 5:00 am Monday, March 30, 2009

Services for Grace Ann Brown Green, of the Montgomery communityin Lincoln County, are 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 31, at MontgomeryBaptist Church with burial in the church cemetery. The Rev. MikeMcKee will officiate.

Visitation is Monday from 5 until 8 p.m. at Hartman-SharkeyFuneral Home in McComb and Tuesday from 9:30 until 10:30 a.m. atthe church.

Mrs. Green, 95, died March 28, 2009, at the University ofMississippi Medical Center in Jackson. She was born in LincolnCounty on Aug. 8, 1913, to Thomas D. and Mary Angeline Brown.

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She worked at Summit Mills/Kellwood at one point in her life.However, for many years she was probably better known as the “AvonLady.” She was a loyal representative for Avon; she thoroughlybelieved in her products and used them herself. People have alwayscommented on how pretty she was even at the age of 95. How did Tomand Angie Brown know that the name they gave their baby 95 yearsago would be so fitting? The name “Grace” is of Latin origin, andmeans “blessing” – and that she was – a blessing to so many people.She was known as “Mamaw Green” or “Mamaw Grace” not only by hergrandchildren and great-grandchildren, but also by many others. Sheknew and even enjoyed hard work such as mowing her yard and raisinga garden; which she did that until she was probably 90. When peopledescribe her, they use such words as gracious, prim and proper,cute and sweet. One family member described her perfectly when hesaid, “Mamaw Green was content with the simplest pleasures inlife.”

Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, KennethGreen; a son, Donald R. Green; a son-in-law, H. F. “Woody” Woodall;her two brothers, Enoch and Lem Brown; her three sisters, CarrieJohnston, Hazel Busby and Laura Pence; and a granddaughter,Bridgette Jackson.

Survivors are a daughter, Mozelle Woodall, of Summit; her twograndsons and their wives, Ted and Jeanie Woodall, of Jackson, andDale W. and Sherrie Green, of Picayune; a grandson-in-law, JoeJackson, of Summit; her four granddaughters and their husbands,Yvonne and Gerald Howell, of McComb; Yvette and George Lott, ofSummit; Lea Anne and Ken Culp and Lori Green, of Brandon; her eightgreat-grandchildren, Shane and Liz Woodall, of Byram, JeffreyWoodall, of Jackson, Dusty Lott, of Summit, Tyler Howell, ofMcComb, Lacey Jackson, of Summit, and Hannah Brown, of Brandon,Amanda Green and Rebecca Green; her threegreat-great-grandchildren, Bailey Ainsworth, Vance and Parker GraceWoodall, all of Byram.

Pallbearers will be her grandsons and great-grandsons, Ted,Dale, Shane, Jeffrey, Dusty and Tyler.

The family requests any memorials be made to Montgomery BaptistChurch at 0495 Montgomery Road, Summit, MS 39666.

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